A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents Angerbird
in Cats and Pizza and Elopement
Story and Interview by Erin Emocling
Story and Interview by Erin Emocling
Mentioned: Michel Gondry, burning couches, and half-assed style
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T r a i n s — a wordless track that spoke to and through me; an instrumental cut that took only 1 minute and 37 seconds, which was stirring enough to make me yearn more from an artist whose name I never knew existed.
Thanks to a friend, who included it in the 9-track mix for my old project about waiting, because whenever I remember to play the compilation, I was always reminded to know more about Angerbird. I was always curious. But since my attention span is shorter than my termagant patience, it took me a while before I came to my senses and downloaded the free, full discography on Bandcamp.
Because fast-forward to my realization, fuck, Angerbird is a goldmine.
However, unlike most artists who can easily be stalked (for the lack of a better term) on the Internet, Angerbird, like birds in general, is elusive and really difficult to unravel. All I knew was a couple of factual details. Number one, Angerbird is a female music-maker from Vancouver, Canada. Number two, she goes by the name Alex.
Searching for Angerbird only led me to the stressful video game, which caused me more stress because I really wanted to feature her on Parallel Planets. But after a fortunate series of virtual assimilation, I was finally able to penetrate into a tiny part of her world. And I felt victorious.
Whenever I listen to her tunes, I always play everything in shuffle. Maybe this is why it’s kind of hard for me to differentiate which songs came from which albums. And since listening to her music was the only sure-fire and fool-proof way of getting to know more about her, please allow me to dissect her records according to my ears' preferences.
Clementines and Joels is probably my favorite Angerbird song, which can be heard from her Suburban Mouse album. Any rabid fan of Gondry’s tormenting fairy tale would get why its lyrics begin with “Meet me in Montauk” and end with “She’s just someone that you don’t forget” and not cringe at all.
Daydreaming is effortless whenever I play Hencewhencethence-hitherwhitherthither (whew!) from her album, Titanium A Priori. Why? Because “So tell me you'll hold my hand / And we'll float into outer space,” that’s why.
A ridiculously happy track from her Gamma Rays of Simpler Days album called Cats and Pizza is also one of my favorites. Because cats. Because pizza. And because this case is already closed.
Another instrumental track that stirs my senses is entitled Waiting in Tokyo, from City Mouse. I really couldn’t pinpoint why but I picked it. Maybe it’s just because of my personal dream to get lost in translation, too.
Ocean Ghosts, from her Vespa in the Sun album, is such a feel good song. I like it very much so I’m making it my own song of elopement. You see, I like men but I also wouldn’t mind it if I dedicate this to a girl. “I want to breathe you in / Drown in all the things you say” just seems so right.
I only chose five even though I could enumerate more because, hey, it's your turn to discover (and appreciate) the big deal about Angerbird.
Read on to my interview with Angerbird and learn about how young she started recording music, what food she draws inspiration from, and what kind of sex she’s into.
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Parallel Planets: Tell us something about Angerbird.
Angerbird: "Angerbird is not a bird. Angerbird is an outlet for my musical urges and various other urges. There are voices in my head that tell me to do things, but instead of burning couches, I make songs. Sometimes the songs are about burning couches, but other times they are about nice things like love or dental insurance."
Parallel Planets: When/How did your inclination with music/songwriting begin?
Angerbird: "I’ve loved music and singing for as long as I can remember. When I was 14, which was a very long time ago, I wanted to be cool so I started writing songs, and they were terrible songs. I started recording Angerbird songs about 6 years ago, and they weren’t very good songs, but I think I’m getting better because I haven’t killed anyone so far."
Parallel Planets: What defines your musical style? What/Who influences and inspires you?
Angerbird: "I don’t really have a singularly identifiable musical style unless half assed is a style. I love all things, especially chicken nuggets, and I guess that’s where I draw inspiration from."
Parallel Planets: Tell us more about your latest album, Gamma Rays of Simpler Days.
A: "It’s a bunch of lo-fi synth songs made with a Casio SK-1. More importantly, it’s free haha."
Parallel Planets: Apart from music, what other creative pursuits are you into?
Angerbird: "Macaroni art and tantric sex."
Parallel Planets: In this planet that we're thriving in—
What is your power animal? "The aardvark because I'm not sure what it is and it appears very early in the dictionary."
Who is your alternate ego? "I am all Angerbird all the time. All day, everyday, any damn day."
Parallel Planets: In an alternate universe where there is no music—
What will your name be? "Captain Tumba Flores."
What will you be doing instead? "Organized crime."
More from Angerbird
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