A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents KLMBRNG
in Orbeatuary Series: Fleeting Memories ∆∆∆
Compilation by Tomi Uysingco
Included: XXYYXX, Sun An, Chelsea Wolfe, and many more
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"While reading over Parallel Planets, the whole vibe that struck me was how memories are all left inside compartments and in grey areas. Does intangibility play part at the greyness, the fleeting qualities of these - our - memories?
This is weird, considering Parallel Planets is a blog, and what it does is encapsulate these memories and make them somewhat tangible, a bit less vorpal. So how did I end up with this conclusion? I dunno really.
It has something to do with memories and dreams, and not seeing the middle ground of these two - where the line is drawn. Anyway, I got super baked and all that was going on and this was the soundtrack to all of it.
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