A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents Kidstuff
in Orbeatuary: Incoming Transmission - Location Unknown
Compilation by Francis Cabal
Included: The Tornados, Mini Mansions, Neutral Milk Hotel, and many more
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Kidstuff said,
Being a fan of science fiction and comic book mythology, the phrase 'parallel planets' makes me think of 'parallel universes.' It immediately conjures up images of alternate realities, evil incarnations of supermen, and basically the world going topsy turvy.
Parallel planets exist side by side and while they never meet at any point, there’s never a sense of disconnect. The world is filled with infinite possibilities, and in this universe I am making a mixtape at 9:33 PM on a Friday night.
There’s no particular theme to this one rather than the fact that these songs helped shaped my... musical identity, if you will. After all, this site is a manifesto in blog form. Well, this mix is my manifesto.
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