A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown
Parallel Planets presents Moonassi
in Cryptic Cosmos
Story by Nicole Lane
Mentioned: black is the new black, loneliness, buddhist paintings
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Sometimes, simplicity is the best choice. Too many hues can lead to a puddle of mud, too many particulars can cause chaos and loss of detail.
Korean artist Daehyun Kim, his artist name being Moonassi, depicts his daily thoughts as a vehicle for meditation in his illustration and drawing series. His pieces, all in black and white, feature figures performing tasks that seem otherworldly or surreal. For instance, there is a figure shuffling through flat faces in a box (possibly a mask to wear for the day) or a piece entitled, Random Access Memories, which shows two figures with Daft Punk-like masks on as they weld another figures head. The black figures appear aqueous and sleek as they slink around the canvas performing every-day rituals in their personal, private world.
Moonassi utilizes black ink in his pieces. On his website he states, “I like black for the same reason you like it. It’s simple, strong, beautiful, and just enough.” Black, being my personal favorite shade, is what drew me to Moonassi’s work when I first had the privilege of viewing it. Sometimes, the entire piece is black with details outlined and revealed with a thin white line. This delicate peculiarity brings vitality to the unknown abyss that Moonassi creates in his work. The sphinx like figures reveal no expressions, gender or occasion--they simply perform and exist within the confines of the canvas. The figures appear to be lonely, yet content conducting their tasks--as if they know no other way.
The figures are reminiscent of the art that I have seen while traveling abroad in Buddhist temples. The act of being attentive and gentle are two strong similarities and apparent inspirations. Similar to Buddhist paintings, Moonassi’s work seems to tell a story, however, the viewer is unable to unfold what the story may precisely be. Therefore, the loneliness seen within the image is then transferred to the actual emotion that the viewer absorbs because of their lack of understanding of the dialogue--this is something incredibly beautiful about Moonassi’s work.
In conclusion, it is exciting to follow such an artist as this one. Who knows when the story may all come together? Who is really aware at what the underlying message is?
Daehyun Kim is currently living and working in Seoul, South Korea where he devotes his time to his life-long project, Moonassi.
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