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Jaejin Hwang in Mental Memoirs: Wonderland

A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents Jaejin Hwang
in Mental Memoirs: Wonderland

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"Wonderland" describes the surreal moments in our daily lives. I have been taking pictures of very natural moments from people, animal, and anything because sometimes it made surreal moments and strange power. So, I tried to avoid the moments people were sensing my cameras. I preferably used a small auto-film camera to take quick snapshots without bothering people or animal. I have been collected this kind of moments for several years. At that time, I  did not have an idea of a "Wonderland" project, but I was genuinely interested in taking those moments, so I kept collecting them.

Based on those moments from random places in past several years, one day I got inspired of the "Wonderland" project. While I was looking at my past photos, I found a certain connection between my random photos, then I just started selecting and ordering photos. It took a day to process this work, and I wanted to finish in that day to remember my feelings. I tried to order random pictures on purpose, and to make certain power from that connection.

I think this approach is influenced by my filmmaking experience. In undergrad, I was in a movie club, and at that time I was really into films. I wrote several scenarios and directed two short films. When I was editing my short films, I got really interested in the cross-cut. Cross-cutting was useful to derive imagination and emotion between two different cuts. That power and feeling was really different from seeing each cut independently.

In "Wonderland," I tried to use this cross-cutting to make people imagine anything from a series of photos. Therefore, there is a no ultimate answer of that story, but I arranged some clues and resources to make people think about it. - Jaejin Hwang on Wonderland

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About the Photographer: Jaejin Hwang was born in 1984 in Seoul, South Korea. He is now living with a cat in Columbus, Ohio, United States. An engineering graduate, Jaejin spends most of his time taking pictures, cycling, cooking, and listening to music. He started taking pictures in 2009 with used film cameras. His first project was "Giant America" (2013), where he got a chance to join a small photography group. "While I was processing the first project, I tried to sense my surroundings everyday, and I found that I really enjoyed doing creative works. After that, I got more seriously into the photography. "Wonderland" is my second project, and I am trying to come up with the third project right now," Jaejin shared.

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Jaejin Hwang - Portfolio


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