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Silviu & Irina Székely in Piercing Pieces: Prophylactic Deconstructions

A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents Silviu & Irina Székely
in Prophylactic Deconstructions
and the Re-Production of Objects

Mentioned: disproportional contingencies, deconstructed replica, and Dadaist photomontage

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The production of artistic objects is not a question of vision, beauty, and sound proportions. The re-production tendency inherent to every subject chosen to manipulate the surrounding realities is a question of disproportional contingencies.

Therefore, we can only rely on objects already there, at hand, ready to be made. Trapped in this whirlpool, what we can do best is to try and re-make them, ignoring the burden of abstract authenticity. Thus, the continuity of every chosen object can be broken and the materialisation of a new aura can be activated again. Needless to say, this new aura cannot guarantee the complete disqualification of innovative procedures.

A strong feeling of suspicion arises when we are about to assume the essential constructivism of every artistic achievement. Simultaneously, we can no longer ignore the deconstructive aspect of art making: an object ready to be made or constructed can be, at the same time, the deconstructed replica of another object, with similar functionalities but simulated connotations.

Grosso modo, our approach to art is very naïve, ludic, and hazardous; the manifestations of this approach end up sometimes in finite and continuous reconstructions of once thoroughly accomplished objects.

Taking into account the proliferation of these objects through photographic means and the gradual loss of ontological values filtered by several artificial mediums, we are giving shape to a series of subdivided collations, whose affinities can be traced back to Dadaist photomontage, magical realism, surrealist collage and other similar futile denominations.

This is what we are concerned with. This is how we leave the impressions of our fingers in the soft, incongruous tissue called world. This is how we indicate the location of whatever is being sought. This is why we reconfigure peculiar shapes vaguely described by exuberant lexical emissions operating without official sanction. —Silviu & Irina Székely

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About the Artists: Born in communist Romania, Irina and Silviu Székely currently live and work in the UK. They studied philosophy for several years and lived in France and Italy. With no formal artistic training, they chose collage and photomontage as their main ground of artistic games and experiments. The results of their activities can be described as paradoxical and plurivocal juxtapositions and reconstructions of displaced, incongruous, and undesired fragments of reality.

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