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Yoshitaka Goto: Dance of Light

A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents Yoshitaka Goto
in Dance of Light
Story by Erin Emocling

Mentioned: parallelism in photography, a hardcore analogue lover, and re-imagining stories

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In the grainy and vivid world of film photography, double (or multiple) exposures is parallelism. It’s not just merely seeing two images in one frame, it’s more like existing in two worlds in a single time being.

Yoshitaka Goto, a native of Gifu Prefecture in Japan, is one of the modern pioneers of multiple exposures in film photography. Originally a digital photographer, Yoshitaka shared with me how he couldn’t stop taking pictures in film back when he got his first Lomography camera back in 2009. Since then, he has participated in a number of film photography competitions (and is very good at winning them), has collaborated with fellow film lovers, and has exhibited in a bunch group photography shows as well. Five years later, he is now hosting his first solo exhibit called ~dance of light~ in Ginza, Tokyo.

Film photography is just his hobby. However, his dedication to the field is really something else. Some photographers like taking pictures while they travel, but Yoshi-san here loves traveling to capture photographs. "My favorite place, so far, is Hongkong. Because there, I can just feel the energy."

Yoshitaka is a hardcore analogue lover but not just because he enjoys the tedious process of developing his own films. No, it doesn't just stop there. Like his visually stirring photographs, the man is way more than what meets the eye. As a matter of fact, he doesn’t mind going from Gifu to Tokyo and back again, every weekend, just to personally meet and greet his exhibit-goers. To him, it's not just about taking photographs, it's also about letting people see what he has captured so they could re-imagine their own meaningful stories out of those images.

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Yoshitaka Goto’s ~dance of light~ can be seen at Mikissimes Ginza, Pola Building in Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo, until April 10, 2014. If you’re in the area, be sure to drop by this fantastic show. His three-part photobook, "a power of analog," can also be found at the show. Check out the event page here.

More from Yoshitaka Goto


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