A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown
Parallel Planets presents Nadia Maria
in Beauties in Made-Up Worlds
Story by Joy Celine Asto
Mentioned: female form, dreamscapes & hushed tones, and mostly monochromes
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The female form has long served as the inspiration and subject of many works of art, but the beauties of Nadia Maria's made-up worlds are more than just pretty faces with enticing curves. To me, they are nymphs, sylphs, and fairies whose allure lies not only in how their surroundings complement them, but also in the emotions and enchanting tales they evoke from the viewer.
In the whimsical and even enigmatic images by the São Paulo-based photographer, viewers are whisked away into mysterious, often monochromatic dreamlands whose blurs, textures, and muted tones only make them even more enticing. While the nakedness and contours of the female form in a number of these images certainly catch the eyes, for me, they only do so momentarily, as if a prelude to their main purpose: to challenge the viewer to read through the expressions, poses, and details, and decipher their meanings or stories.
Apart from being just another edgy conceptual photo series, these curious-looking snaps also serve as Nadia's own photo diary. Each image is spurred by the myriad of feelings, thoughts, and transformations said to flood her mind just before she falls asleep -- this is perhaps why looking at each photo set is like walking into someone's strange yet captivating dream. However, she has also told Kaltblut Magazine that her influences and sources of inspiration don't always come from an exact point, but rather, from the moments when she feels the need to drain, vent, or put something out. "It is like writing, like a diary, you write when you feel the need, even if it is only for you," she expounds.
There is certainly beauty in mystery, and I find that Nadia Maria's eerie yet beautiful approach at presenting the female form is an affirmation of this idea. Closed eyes, hushed hues, obscure poses and faces, tasteful blurs, bare skin and naked emotions, touches of nature's own beauty here and there -- all of them do their own share to make her mysterious beauties quite the sight to behold.
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