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Rachel Parent: A Woodland Pixie

A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets Presents Rachel Parent
in A Woodland Pixie
Story by Nicole Lane

Mentioned: in your dreams, frolicsome nisse, and all things precious

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Not only do I love Canada, gardens and Joanna Newsom, but I really, truly, love Rachel Parents' pleasant and delicate needleworks, which effortlessly feature all three of these subjects. Residing in Ontario, Canada, Rachel is currently working as a high school substitute school teacher--she hopes to one day teach English exclusively.

Her adoration for Joanna Newsom, natural habitats and skillful gardening are an obvious inspiration and source of creativity for her embroidery pieces. Each piece carries a text from a Newsom song, alongside a babbling brook, or an assembly of mushrooms. The conflation of whimsical lyrics in addition to the neutral hues of floss and thread, offer the most enchanting and ever so graceful pieces of work. Rachel’s embroidery pieces allow the viewer to enter into a world unknown, a parallel planet that an urbanite can only dream of--someplace far-removed, way past the rainbow and anywhere but here.

Rachel’s work consists of pillow coverings, small patches, embroidery hoop art and various other fiber based pieces. Her handmade delicacies are typically neutral in hue and full of lush forests or plants that cover the entire canvas. The inspiration of nature and plants is a key role in the gentle and woodland pieces of Rachel’s work. Some of her craft can be utilized in domiciliary settings, such as doilies or handkerchiefs--her artwork is a fusion between decorative and functional.

Living in Chicago, where it still isn’t Spring and it continues to snow sometimes in the morning, Rachel Parent’s work has become the source of my escapism. If I squint long enough while viewing the intricate details of Rachel's pieces, I can envision a small red-haired nisse peeking out from behind the bark of a pine tree, whispering, “spring is here.”

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