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Paula Morales in Space Shifters: Safe and Warm in California

A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents Paula Morales
in Space Shifters: Safe and Warm in California

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We asked Paula Morales, an artist we've featured a couple of months back on our space invasion series, Homeworlds, to take over our Instagram account and let us see the world around her. Seeing her pictures taken during a road trip Los Angeles is like being transported to the whereabouts of Clarence and Alabama Worley in Tony Scott's 1993 film, True Romance. Check them out below!

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More from Paula Morales: Website, Instagram, Facebook
Space Shifters is a bi-monthly series where we ask the artists we've recently featured to access our Instagram account (@parallelplanets) for an entire weekend for them to document, through photographs & short video clips, what it's like to be in their part of the planet.


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Disclaimer: In lieu with Parallel Planets' general aesthetics, almost all images found on this website appear in black & white. Hover on them to view the original versions and click them to see in high resolutions. All media files solely belong to their respective artists, some of which are exclusive for Parallel Planets only. If you wish to use any of these, please contact the author or artist first. Thank you!
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