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Stephan Kaps in Parched Pages: Studienzeit

A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents Stephan Kaps
 in Parched Pages: Studienzeit 
Book Review by Mayee Gonzales

Mentioned: unfinished formulas, a slap on the face, and idyllic blow-out of photographs

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A fondness for color, an affection for contrast, and a certain distinction for gorgeous subjects summarize Stephan Kaps’ relationship with film photography. Attractive and forward, his photographs are fairly akin to an unfinished formula -- tried and tested but still not close to perfect.

I first met Stephan a couple of years back through Lomography. Coming from the beer-loving country of Germany, Stephan’s character was quite easy to decipher as it reflected his film photographs. Fun, lovely, yet vicious, his work is like reality waking you up from a sweet slumber – beautiful but with a corresponding slap on the face.

The use of various film cameras (he owns more than 25!) lets Stephan create and experiment various images stored on his ingenious mind. From everyday life, striking portraits, lines and symmetries, plus an artistic take on black and white, it was just high time for Stephan to compile his photographs in a book. And alas, we were lucky enough to take hold of “Studienzeit”, a collection of his finest analogue works from 2009 to 2014.

Versed in German, Studienzeit does not exactly require fancy words to be able to understand. Several flips into this book and you are in a blissful treat of color and detail. Minimal in subject but overflowing with colors, Stephan’s Studienzeit is an idyllic blow-out of photographs crafted over the years.

A deeper dive into this photo book and you welcome yourself to abstract images of people, light, and structure. This is the part where we analyze and understand the mind of a visual storyteller. It’s quite tough to translate but it’s very pleasing to stare at -- like a hollow but expensive painting or a piece of jewelry topped in a bin. It’s a vague question but it’s something you’d like to ask over and over again.

With 124 pages of texts and film photographs, presented in an imbalance layout of black and white backgrounds, Studienzeit isn't exactly painless to swallow. Sure, it is visually appealing but the striking staging of its content requires more than one look. It’s personal art and it’s something we as an audience has to accept.

Stephan KapsStudienzeit is soon to be available for everyone. For now, indulge yourself to some of his photographs shown below. You may also take a look at its online preview through here. Take that formula and find your closest knit to it.

Parched Pages is a Parallel Planets series on book reviews. Read more music and zine reviews here.

More from Stephan Kaps: Website, Facebook, Twitter

Disclaimer: In lieu with Parallel Planets' general aesthetics, almost all images found on this website appear in black & white. Hover on them to view the original versions and click them to see in high resolutions. All media files solely belong to their respective artists, some of which are exclusive for Parallel Planets only. If you wish to use any of these, please contact the author or artist first. Thank you!
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