A Parallel Planets piece by Pepe Serapio

Parallel Planets presents Jaymii Knierum
in Homeworlds Series: More Than Worlds
Story and Interview by Jofer Serapio
Mentioned: constantly changing, the little worlds we don’t notice, and pencils in her hair
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Although we were worlds apart, Jaymii Knierum (the "K" is not silent) and I basically grew up together. We first met online, years ago, decades even, on a website with a reputation that does not warrant mentioning. I remember how obsessed we were with poetry that not a day passed by when we wouldn't have something to show each other. Sooner than later, our friendship transcended amateurish writing and we became involved with each other's lives. Throughout the years, I watched her grow, meeting her boyfriends, lending her my shoulder when she needed it the most, and worrying about her getting attacked by rabid kangaroos, all while surviving the radiation of my computer screen.
Even back then, it wasn't hard to picture Jaymii as who she is now: an active stage manager with enough time to pursue her creativity. Well, she makes time. I suppose that's what separates the passionate from the fanatic, the actual artist from the uninspired fledgling: making time when time seems to loathe your very existence.
photo by Jaymii Knierum |
In most of Jaymii's photographs, there's a sense of wonder and whimsy. The parallels of life and art are not lost on the observer. She has always been sincere with her craft and that translates very well in the finished product.
That sincerity, the genuine curiosity and love for ideals made real, flows through her space as well. Jaymii was adamant in describing her personal world as boring and mundane but like most adjectives, boring and mundane aren't that reliable, especially if they're coming from someone with humility as her middle name.
Boring and mundane... Now those are two words I would never associate with Jaymii, and you shouldn't, too. Her terrariums were featured in an e-zine just recently, and her photographs are enough evidence to suggest the contrary.
photo by Jaymii Knierum |
Of course, the uniqueness in her art, and space, wouldn't be made possible if she wasn't unique herself. Admitting that she has no problems napping during the day, she shared how she has trouble turning her brain off. She's always thinking, she told us, to the point where she ends up thinking about thinking a lot. She also has the inability to be late and she contends that she has to be at least 5-minutes early. Always.
Jaymii's three things include the change in seasons, stationery, and the song "Come Away with Me" by Nora Jones.
photo by Jaymii Knierum |
"The refreshing feel of the [coming] winter air," Jaymii mused. "...instantly makes you feel like a kid coming home from the last day of school."
Others have alcohol and nicotine but Jaymii has pencils, bulldog clips, and post-it notes. Stationery, she told us, is her vice. Imagining her as an obsessive hoarder of all things paper can't be avoided. You could be forgiven and your impression spot-on.
When asked about Nora Jones and the particular song she referenced, Jaymii told us that "it is the music that could soothe the soul of any savage beast and playing it while cooking makes the meal taste all the more better."
That sounds like an invitation.
Read on to my interview with Jaymii Knierum and learn more about her many trips to Ikea, the things in her head, and what she is never too old for.
Parallel Planets: Tell us something about your “artspace.”
Jaymii Knierum: “As soon as you told me this was about my artspace it really sent my mind in a whirl.
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photo by Jaymii Knierum |
‘Do I even have an artspace?’ I thought. Let me set the scene for you. I live in a small apartment with my boyfriend where, despite our many trips to Ikea, the only real solution to fit the upright piano, fish tank and laser printer into the house was to give up on having a dining table and eat everything on a 50-cm2 coffee table. The place is strewn with bits and bobs, baskets overflowing with craft supplies, electronic components and paperwork. I look at the somewhat organised dumping ground that is my desk and the short coarse carpet that stretches a few meters from the blinds to the kitchen and that spot of lino next to the front door. These are the areas I primarily create my art at home. Thank goodness I work mostly with miniatures and macro. While it all it acts like a giant neon sign screaming 'amateur' and I dream of my own studio room, there is always that simple pleasure from being able to create something beautiful from a few things on your carpet, lit by one of the lamps borrowed from the fish tank. While a great workspace and tools make creating art easier, they are not what art is. Art just has to make its own space.
My other space, though, is my local area. Mostly the empty lots and a few favourite gardens of my neighbours. I love being able to see how they grow and change and explore the little details. It’s a canvas for a photographer that’s constantly changing but feels like home.”
photo by Jaymii Knierum |
Parallel Planets: Are you a day walker or are you nocturnal? Does the time of day have any effect on you or your art?
Jaymii Knierum: “Thanks to my job as a stage manager I no longer have a routine. I could be waking up at 5:30am or working past midnight depending on the show. But the craving for photography can strike at any time. If it’s still day time, I usually would head outside for some local nature shots. When it’s dark, I get creative with what I’ve got around the house.”
photo by Jaymii Knierum |
Parallel Planets: What is your mantra in life?
Jaymii Knierum: “My mantra is always changing. At the moment, its ‘life has no expectations of you, just do what makes you happy. Explore, enjoy, share.’ Not really a mantra but a reminder that it’s okay to relax and take life a little easier.”
Parallel Planets: Tell us something about Jaymii Knierum as a photographer.
Jaymii Knierum: “As a photographer, I love interacting with nature, in particular on a macro level. I love looking at the little worlds that we wouldn’t otherwise notice. This has also translated into creating miniature worlds, whether it be terrariums or urban landscapes, on my desk.”
photo by Jaymii Knierum |
Parallel Planets: Aside from photography, what other creative pursuits are you into? What project(s) are you working on?
Jaymii Knierum: “I really have a love for all things creative. When I’m not in the back of a theatre or behind the lens, I like doing the odd sketch and watercolour (usually birds), making jam, clumsily trying to learn the piano or tending to the plants and terrariums on my windowsill. Currently, I am working on a terrarium lamp, finalising the aquaponics system over my fish tank and writing stories in my head (but I’m not sure if they’re ready to be put on paper).”
Parallel Planets: In this planet that we're thriving in—
What is your power animal?
"Birds. Not any particular species but in general. The idea of flying around and living in trees sounds pretty good to me. They have this great sense of freedom. As a kid, I always wished I could fly and spent a lot of time on the swings. To be honest, I still wish I could fly, and you’re never too old for swings."
Who is your alternate ego?
"There isn’t a specific person but I’m inspired by the interesting people on various public transport. In my head, I can be some pretty cool characters. Imagination is pretty awesome."
photo by Jaymii Knierum |
Parallel Planets: In an alternate universe where crayons do not exist—
What will your name be? Why?
"The girl with pencils (in her hair). This in all respects is a lot more accurate description. As a stage manager, it’s important to be able to produce a few instantly, at any moment. During a production week, there are usually at least 3 tucked into my hair bun. And you can’t beat the smell of a freshly sharpened 2B in the morning."
What do you think you would be doing instead?
"Probably nothing different."
More from Jaymii Knierum
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