A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents Ourselves the Elves
in Static Soundwaves Series: Stepping into a Black Hole
Music Submission by Mariah Reodica
Mentioned: satellite tethers, moons across orbits, and outer space
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Outer space and the way is portrayed has a multiplicity of facets. It’s the great new frontier of science, where spaceships launch off to traverse great distances to new discoveries. In fantasy, it’s the stage of grand intergalactic wars brought to life in big-budget blockbusters, and all the planets that orbit around stars in trillions of galaxies are ripe for adventure. On the other hand, space could also be desolate and empty, where astronauts are tethered to satellites by umbilical cords of wire and steel. They float about in tin cans, observing the beauty of the universe around them, but knowing all too well that despite the calculations and theories, all of humanity is still at the mercy of the forces that govern it.
Likewise, The After-School Special’s remix of Outer Speys by Ourselves the Elves resituates the jangly, poppy song in a dreamy glitch soundscape where Alyana Cabral’s voice drifts in and out like moons passing by in orbit. The cosmos becomes a playground where she shakes off gravity and does pirouettes around the milky way. Instead of space being cold and isolating, it becomes an escape where she finds shelter in the stars, and discovers billions of places hand-in-hand with someone she loves.
Anton Salvador, who is behind The After-School Special, often samples recordings of speeches on his tracks. His latest release, Moon Landing, is set to JFK’s Moon Landing speech, which fills the song with a commanding presence, detached but not aloof. Generations of humans, from early astronomers to Nobel Prize winners at work on the International Space Station may have made discoveries beyond the understanding of the common man, but these musicians have explored outer space in their own way, looking to the stars as a means of introspection.
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Write-up by Mariah Reodica, an extra in the movie adaptation of the sequel to your life. She's a BA Film student who takes music photography, writes about music, and reads novels in her spare time.
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