A Parallel Planets piece by Unknown

Parallel Planets presents Nemesis Qualigula
in Orbeatuary Series: Idiosyncratic Unison
Compilation by Jayme Ancla
Included: Kayo Dot, Albert Ayler, Jake Chudnow, and many more
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Nemesis Qualigula said,
"One of the most beautiful things in this universe is to fuse two opposing points in a spectrum, and create a product that you'll never see in a straight line. We can crop off pieces of beautiful, orchestrated things and create a chimera. A new being that will change the stale movement of matter. And when the old and the new gaze at each other, they'll see themselves. What they were at what they've become, happening at the same time.
Parallel Planets takes us to a journey. Letting us see beautiful creations that's happening at the same point in time when we inhale and exhale.
These tunes are plastered chimera, an idiosyncratic unison."
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